
What is a Dyson sphere? | Best Dyson Sphere

A Dyson sphere is a theoretical mega-engineering project that encircles a star with platforms orbiting in tight formation. It is the ultimate solution for living space and energy production, providing its creators ample surface area for habitation and the ability to capture every bit of solar radiation emanating from their central star.

Why build a Dyson sphere?

Why would anyone construct such a bizarre monstrosity? According to British-American theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson, who first speculated about these putative structures in 1960, an intelligent alien species might consider the undertaking after settling on some moons and planets in their local stellar neighborhood. As their population increased, these extraterrestrials would start to consume ever-greater amounts of energy.

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Assuming this alien society’s populace and industry grew at a modest 1% per year, Dyson’s calculations suggested that the aliens’ area and energy needs would grow exponentially, becoming a trillion times larger in just 3,000 years. Should their solar system contain a Jupiter-size body, the species’ engineers could try to figure out how to take the planet apart and spread its mass in a spherical shell.

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By building structures at twice the Earth-sun distance, the material would be sufficient to construct a huge number of orbiting platforms 6 to 10 feet (2 to 3 meters) thick, allowing the aliens to live on their star-facing surface. “A shell of this thickness could be made comfortably habitable, and could contain all the machinery required for exploiting the solar radiation falling onto it from the inside,” Dyson wrote.


The Dyson sphere or Dyson shell is a theoretical megastructure that was first proposed by astronomer Freeman Dyson in 1959. This has been and will remain science fiction for a long time, but is interesting from the perspective of the total limit of energy a society can access. A Dyson sphere is a sphere approximately the size of a planetary orbit that would be able to harvest all the sun’s energy and, on the inside surface, would be habitable to humans.

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The sphere would be composed of a shell of solar panels around the star, making it so that all of its energy radiated would hit one of these panels, where its energy could be collected and used. Thus a Dyson sphere would create not only immense living space, but also gather extraordinary amounts of energy.

Building a Dyson sphere would be extraordinarily complex, if at all possible. Thus its conception assumed a super-advanced civilization. First, creating the shell would require superstrong materials with a tensile strength vastly exceeding any known material to ensure the sphere doesn’t tear itself apart. In addition, the sphere would be gravitationally unstable. If any part of the sphere were moved even slightly closer to the Sun, its gravitational binding would be disturbed and part of the sphere would be pulled in towards the Sun.

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But after absorbing and exploiting the solar energy, the structure would eventually have to reradiate the energy or else it would build up, causing the sphere to eventually melt, according to Dyson. This means that, to a distant observer, the light of a star wrapped in a Dyson sphere might appear dimmed or even entirely darkened — depending on how dense the orbiting platforms were — while glowing curiously bright in infrared wavelengths that aren’t visible to the naked eye.

Along with being complex to build, it would be difficult – if not impossible- to gather the materials that would be required to create the sphere. However, if one were to destroy and strip mine the entire inner solar system – Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars – enough material could be gathered to create the sphere with a radius of the Earth-Sun distance, 3m thick.

Do Dyson spheres exist?

Because of their infrared radiation, Dyson spheres are considered a type of technosignature — a sign of activity that distant astronomers could use to infer the existence of intelligent beings in the universe, according to a NASA report. A handful of Earth-based researchers have scanned infrared maps of the night sky in hopes of spotting Dyson spheres, but so far, nobody has seen anything out of the ordinary.

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In 2015, astronomer Tabetha Boyajian, then at Yale University, reported on the mysterious dimming of light from a star called KIC 8462852, whose irregular flickering looked like nothing researchers had ever seen before. Other scholars suggested the weird light dips could result from a partially built Dyson sphere, and the idea caused a media sensation.

Campaigns to look for other signs of technological activity from the entity, which came to be known as Tabby’s star in honor of Boyajian, have turned up empty, and most researchers now think the object’s light patterns have some kind of nonalien explanation.

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For decades, Dyson spheres have been a staple of science fiction media. As far back as 1937, author Olaf Stapledon’s novel “Star Maker” (Methuen Publishing, 1937) described how systems in one particular galaxy were “surrounded by a gauze of light traps, which focused the solar energy for intelligent use, so that the whole galaxy was dimmed,” a portrayal that Dyson acknowledged as an influence on his thinking.

In his novel “Ringworld” (Ballantine Books, 1970), writer Larry Niven described a ring-shaped artificial structure encompassing a star, while a 1992 episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” featured a star surrounded by a rigid shell.

Whether such fanciful structures exist outside the human imagination still remains to be seen. In his conjectures, Dyson was not suggesting that all technological societies would enact this outlandish project. Rather, some might have, he reasoned, and therefore, it would be valuable for human astronomers to search for these colossal examples of intelligent minds.

About the author

Naqvi Syed

Naqvi Syed is is a freelance journalist who has contributed to several publications, including Spacepsychiatrist. He tackles topics like spaceflight, diversity, science fiction, astronomy and gaming to help others explore the universe. He works with Spacepsychiatrist from a long time.

Link: https://spacepsychiatrist.com/

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